Author: Devin

  • Disaster Tips

    I spoke with my Chilean family yesterday. It sounds like a mess, but internet, telephone and electricity is finally back- and all the people I know well seem to be safe.

    The main bridges connecting Concepcion with the suburbs all fell down, several buildings in the University where I did my study abroad burned, looters took all the gasoline and raided the super markets. The army is now on patrol. The towns on the coast no longer exist.

    Grandmother Tota has lived through three major earthquakes now. She said this one was far the worst.

    Everyone in Concepcion knew that a big one was coming, eventually, just like we do in San Francisco. It’s one of the hazards of living on an active fault line.

    My Chilean mother said they should have been better prepared. They should have had a box with working flashlights and a hand radio, toilet paper, some matches, the phone numbers of friends and relatives written down, and basic survival supplies. When the whole city shuts down those are the things you want.

    I know many people in the Bay Area who probably don’t have these things either. We know it’s going to happen sometime, but we live as if we don’t expect it to. I’d encourage everyone to pack a box up of emergency supplies, make sure you have a few gallons of water, and throw it in the closet where you can forget about it. You never know, and it’s better to be prepared.

    There’s some great website about emergency preparedness. seems like one of the best.

  • A waffle iron showed up on Curtis’ front porch a week ago, apparently mailed to him by an ex-girlfriend. He doesn’t know why exactly she mailed it. Perhaps she knew of his extreme fondness for breakfast and was trying to win him back. Or maybe she just had an extra one. At any rate, it’s an random thing to show up on your porch unexpected.

    And life is about taking advantage of those rare and crazy days when a breakfast appliance shows up in the mail unannounced. Friends brought nutella, bananas, peanut butter, raspberries, pineapple, ice cream, bacon, orange juice and of course, champagne. The waffles boats were loaded, and so too were some of the guests. It was a great and delicious morning.

  • Fourtet

    Fourtet at the Independent in San Francisco.

    Do you know what I like best about the Independent? Drinking $1.75 beer at the Bean Bag Cafe across the street before the show.

  • Eye Level With Dog

    Eye level with a dog in a sweater.

  • Wires

  • Church and 30th

    I love San Francisco.

  • Mustard Grass

  • Bozo Tourists

    A little context is necessary for this postcard. My good friend Andrew was almost trampled to death by a moose on a recent trip to Yellowstone.


    Don’t piss off elephants. They’re huge! If they had these things in Yellowstone you’d probably be dead by now. I’m glad they keep them here where you’re not likely to be attacked.

    You know something else they have here: delicious food. I’ve been eating straight for the last four weeks. You see the photo on this postcard with two guys riding a giant beast? That’s me. I’ve put on a ton weight and even grown a tail. To work some of it off I’ve started carting tourists around on my back.

    But enough of my adventures! I’ll have more to tell when I got home- if they can find me a seat on the airplane.

    Chang, Devin.

  • Anywhere in Thailand

    Carli & Kyle –

    Thailand is awesome! We’re staying at the guest house across from the wat, just down the street from the 7-11 and between the portait of the king and the meditating Buddha. Remember that one? It’s really close to the wooden bullfrog vendor and the chicken kebabs. See you soon!

    Eric & Devin

  • Chang Beach

    Angela & Heidi –

    Greetings from Thailand! We’ve just spent an exhausting day at the beach engaged in some serious elephant hunting. These “changs” are everywhere. Our sunburns should be perfected by the end of the trip. Oh, and the tuk tuk drivers say hello.

    Devin & Eric